IT Education

How to land a high-paying job as an AI prompt engineer

Then, they might make recommendations or changes to refine acceptable prompts or AI responses. In many cases, prompt engineers may be involved in ongoing AI training and refinement. If you're attracted to the idea of being a prompt engineer, this might sound wearyingly technical. And there's no more attractive topic in tech right now than generative AI. Before, we learn about how you can become a prompt engineer, let's have a look at what the field of prompt engineering entails. Personally,...


AWS Skills Center Cape Town Free Classroom Training

You might not be privy to the thought process of the programmer who wrote it. Heck, it might even be something that you built, but years later, you don’t remember every step of your own process. In this course, you will be learning about the blockchain networks and architecture, blockchain delivery systems and Blockchain future prospects as well. The developers build applications for the Android platforms. In order to build a smooth application, the developers are well versed with testing...